News Staff

American Heart Month – The Best Charities & How to Donate
Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women. Here are five of the best heart-health charities that are most deserving of your support.

For a Strong Heart, Stay Active — 5 Great Cardiovascular-Health Exercises
Exercise has well-known health benefits, but it's of particular importance to your heart.

9 Heart-Disease Warning Signs to Look Out For
Heart disease is the most common cause of death for Americans, so if your heart isn't working right, we don't need to explain why that's a really bad sign.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month — 6 Great Charities That Deserve Your Donations
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month represents an opportunity for all Americans to devote some time to offering their support to the millions of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Advances in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Give Hope, Save Lives
FIve exciting new research findings that should greatly benefit victims of and those at risk for breast cancer.

Fight Breast Cancer With These 7 Foods
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a good reminder to focus on how our diets affect our health.

Staying Fit and Active Lowers Your Risk of Breast Cancer
Exercise — it could be the most important thing you do to decrease your risk of contracting breast cancer.

It’s Time to Rethink These Breast Cancer Myths — Risks, Causes, Prevention Methods
Too many myths exist about the risk, contraction and treatment of breast cancer. It's time to put five of them to rest.

7 Foods You Should Be Eating for a Healthy Heart
Heart Health can be as simple as making some changes to your diet. Consider adding more of these seven foods to your plate for their heart-health benefits.

How to Be the Best Support for Someone Who Has Breast Cancer
These seven ways of supporting your loved one who has breast cancer could really make a difference.